torsdag, december 29, 2011

Saga's puppies one day old

Girl 2
Girl 1

Boy 3

Boy 2

Boy 1

onsdag, december 28, 2011

Saga has given birth to five puppies! :)

Ch Play A While A Room With A View gave birth to five puppies today! Three boys and two girls. All the boys and one of the girls are brindle, and the other girl is dark fawn. They all have white trim.

Saga is a perfect mother, and I already love her puppies!

IG puppies 28 December

tisdag, december 27, 2011

Saga day 60

Saga has only eaten paste and a little sausage today, so I guess she feels something is going on. I'm so excited! Her weight today is 18,5 kilos. She breathes really heavily and doesn't find a comfortable way to sleep or rest.

Yesterday we had a very nice visit from Sundsvall. "Sigge" (Skyborne Dust of Gold) came here together with his owners, Elina and Marcus. Elina and Marcus played with the IG- puppies (or maybe it was the other way round!) and then the puppies slept for the rest of the day! :) I really love these puppies; they are so calm and sweet, yet playful and not afraid of anything.

fredag, december 23, 2011

Whitesnake-kullen fyra år idag!

Today the Whitesnake-"puppies" celebrate their fourth birthday!

We hope you have a great day!
To the left: Skyborne Love To Keep You Warm, Voice
and to the right: Skyborne Queen of Hearts, Skippy
Sire: Taraly Black Mamba
Dam: Foxys Nyckelpiga

söndag, december 18, 2011

lördag, december 17, 2011

It's difficult to take pictures of four-week-old puppies!

Our puppies love playing with our kids. Taking photos of the puppies is not very easy, though, because they just keep moving as long as they are awake, and the lack of sunlight this time of the year doesn't exactly help either. Here they are together with our four-year-old daughter Indra.

Saga day 50

Saga, day 50

As you can probably see, Saga doesn't have a gigantic belly to show off. But she is definitely in whelp, and she is bigger "from above" than from the side. I think that she hasn't even noticed that something has changed! (She usually doesn't look this unhappy, only when she has to stand still waiting for the photographer to take his/her pictures so she can have the treats that is right in front of her!)

fredag, december 02, 2011

Whippet puppies expected!

Swedish and Norwegian Champion Play A While A Room With A View ("Saga") is in whelp!
Sire: Am GCh, Fin, Est, Nor Ch, WW 2011 Aberdeen Remarkable In Paris ("Marcus").

Their eyes and hearts have been checked. Eyes: clear; echo cardiac: normal.
The puppies will be born around December 30.

If you are interested in a puppy, please contact me:
We live in Frösön, which is situated near Östersund, Sweden.

Photos of Marcus:

Pauline Oliver

Photo of Saga:

Maidie Rosén