Skyborne Easy ("Easy", italiensk vinthund) och Skyborne A Fairy Tale ("Freja", whippet) gjorde utställningsdebut i söndags på SVVK:s utställning i Vännäs. Easy blev BIR-valp och därefter BIS! :) Freja fick Hp och blev placerad fyra av åtta jättefina whippetvalpar i babyklassen. Rasdomare var Per Lundström och BIS-domare Darko Petreski. Easys pappa blev BIM och Yebelli's Jasmine BIR. Det är kul att vi har så fina italienare i Norrland!
Easys kritik: "Lovande ram att växa i. Utmärkt längd på alla bendelar. Utmärkt bredd i lår/underben. Lång välutvecklad bröstkorg med fint förbröst. Rör sig mycket bra från alla håll. Lovande valp!" Hp, BIR BIS (6-9 månader)
Frejas kritik: "Vackert, välskuret huvud, mörka ögon. Bra underkäke. Vacker hals/överlinje. Mycket bra front/förbröst som har väldigt mycket muskler. Välvinklat kraftfullt bakställ av fin bredd och härlig muskulatur. Utmärkt benstomme. Rör sig väl för sin ålder. En lovande valp :) som uppvisas i härlig kondition. Vacker päls." Hp, placerad 4/8 (4-6 månader). Inom parentes sa domaren att hennes välutvecklade muskulatur gjorde att hon drog ihop sig lite under rörelse vilket påverkade placeringen i klassen, men att han gillade hennes muskler.
Det småduggade under förmiddagen och var mulet hela dagen, vilket inte var så roligt med tanke på att prognosen sagt att det skulle vara soligt och jag varken hade täcken till hundarna eller stövlar med mig. Lyckligtvis var det ändå en mycket trevlig utställningsdag! :)
tisdag, juni 19, 2012
lördag, mars 24, 2012
All the puppies are sold
I haven't had much time to update our website or weblog recently ... All the puppies are sold and have moved to their new families. One of the Italian Greyhound girls (Livia) is living in Norway, the other girl (Nova) is living in Sweden and the boy (Dobby) is also living in Sweden. Our keeper from this litter is Skyborne Easy. She is the happiest little puppy I've ever met, and I hope it will be possible to bring her to shows later on this summer (i.e., if she ever learns to stand still for more than a fraction of a second, and trot instead of jumping or "flying")!
The Whippet puppies have moved all around Europe ... S. Image of Light (Cash) is owned by Kristin Hoff and two of her friends in Norway, S. Touched By An Angel (Flash) is owned by Monika Koc, Poland, S. Crossing the Atlantic (Lucas) is owned by Linda Aronsen, Norway, and S. The Room Of My Life (Ivy) is owned by Liane Bertlich, Germany. Thus, our keeper is Skyborne A Fairy Tale (Freja).
It is very obvious that Freja is a daughter to Saga and Marcus. What's more, she is an extremely kind and well behaved puppy who never does anything bad, and she is already housebroken (I hope it's the correct word)! :)
The Whippet puppies have moved all around Europe ... S. Image of Light (Cash) is owned by Kristin Hoff and two of her friends in Norway, S. Touched By An Angel (Flash) is owned by Monika Koc, Poland, S. Crossing the Atlantic (Lucas) is owned by Linda Aronsen, Norway, and S. The Room Of My Life (Ivy) is owned by Liane Bertlich, Germany. Thus, our keeper is Skyborne A Fairy Tale (Freja).
It is very obvious that Freja is a daughter to Saga and Marcus. What's more, she is an extremely kind and well behaved puppy who never does anything bad, and she is already housebroken (I hope it's the correct word)! :)
lördag, februari 04, 2012
lördag, januari 28, 2012
söndag, januari 15, 2012
Two of the Italian Greyhound puppies have moved

Pictured above is Skyborne Fire and Ice, who is for sale. He is 8 weeks old and a very charming puppy! If you are interested in him, please contact me:
söndag, januari 08, 2012
The last day of the holiday
All the puppies are developing as they should. Hermione's puppies are really funny and playful! They turned seven weeks yesterday and have been outdoors a few minutes at a time this week. The male puppy is still for sale.
The children and I have had Christmas holiday for more than two weeks, but tomorrow the schools start again. They have spent lots of time skiing during the holiday. We have plenty of snow here ... Too much, if you ask me.
söndag, januari 01, 2012
Happy New Year!!!
He is for sale.
She is going to stay with us.
All the puppies are growing and developing just fine! :) If you are interested in the Italian Greyhound boy or a Whippet boy you are welcome to contact me by e-mail:
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