torsdag, december 29, 2011
onsdag, december 28, 2011
Saga has given birth to five puppies! :)
tisdag, december 27, 2011
Saga day 60

Yesterday we had a very nice visit from Sundsvall. "Sigge" (Skyborne Dust of Gold) came here together with his owners, Elina and Marcus. Elina and Marcus played with the IG- puppies (or maybe it was the other way round!) and then the puppies slept for the rest of the day! :) I really love these puppies; they are so calm and sweet, yet playful and not afraid of anything.
fredag, december 23, 2011
Whitesnake-kullen fyra år idag!
We hope you have a great day!
To the left: Skyborne Love To Keep You Warm, Voice
and to the right: Skyborne Queen of Hearts, Skippy
Sire: Taraly Black Mamba
Dam: Foxys Nyckelpiga
To the left: Skyborne Love To Keep You Warm, Voice
and to the right: Skyborne Queen of Hearts, Skippy
Sire: Taraly Black Mamba
Dam: Foxys Nyckelpiga
söndag, december 18, 2011
lördag, december 17, 2011
Saga day 50
As you can probably see, Saga doesn't have a gigantic belly to show off. But she is definitely in whelp, and she is bigger "from above" than from the side. I think that she hasn't even noticed that something has changed! (She usually doesn't look this unhappy, only when she has to stand still waiting for the photographer to take his/her pictures so she can have the treats that is right in front of her!)
fredag, december 02, 2011
Whippet puppies expected!

Sire: Am GCh, Fin, Est, Nor Ch, WW 2011 Aberdeen Remarkable In Paris ("Marcus").
Their eyes and hearts have been checked. Eyes: clear; echo cardiac: normal.
The puppies will be born around December 30.
If you are interested in a puppy, please contact me:
We live in Frösön, which is situated near Östersund, Sweden.
Pauline Oliver
Photo of Saga:
Maidie Rosén
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